Helm Repository

To provide Helm charts as a re-usable asset, Helm provides versioning and packaging. The resulting versioned packages can be consumed by multiple applications and environments. To ensure the release package is consistent and repeatable, the Helm packages are downloaded at build (CI) and not during deployment (CD). The packages are included in the release package so there are no external dependencies at deploy time.

The Helm registry

Helm command line can create the packaged templates and the required index file.

helm package $chart_name --destination public
helm repo index public

The resulting files and index.yaml files are placed on a web server to provide the repository service, e.g.

apiVersion: v1
  - apiVersion: v2
    appVersion: 1.16.0
    created: "2022-08-11T08:51:15.763749822Z"
    description: Use Values for Container Name
    digest: 9a0cf4c0989e3921bd9b4d2e982417c3eac04f5863feb0439ad52a9f1d6ffeb9
    name: internal-service
    type: application
    - internal-service-0.0.1.tgz
    version: 0.0.1
  - apiVersion: v2
    appVersion: 1.16.0
    created: "2022-08-11T08:51:15.764037805Z"
    description: Use Values for Container Name
    digest: aa65089080e3e04a6560a1f3b70fc8861609d8693c279b10154264a9fe9fc794
    name: kiali-dashboard
    type: application
    - kiali-dashboard-0.0.2.tgz
    version: 0.0.2