Build, Package and Deploy with CDAF

This article needs significant rework.

In this example, the version is automatically incremented by placing a variable in the pom.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <name>Spring Boot Data REST Sample</name>
  <description>Spring Boot Data REST Sample</description>

In the build task, the build number is supplied as a maven parameter

mvn --batch-mode --file springboot/pom.xml package -D"build.number=${BUILDNUMBER}"

The resulting artefact is in a subdirectory, buy using the -flat parameter in storeFor the artefact will be placed in the root of release package.

springboot/target/springboot.war -flat

In this example, the decreasingly used remote task is implemented to deploy to a remote server, in this case, both pre-production and production are hosted on the same server. Note that there is also a local context, this is used to test the deployment.

context  target      deployHost             deployUser  deployLand                    runtime
remote   staging  tomcat      /opt/packages/$DEPLOY_TARGET  /opt/tomcat/webapps/pp.war
local    staging

remote   production      tomcat      /opt/packages/$DEPLOY_TARGET  /opt/tomcat/webapps/pr.war
local    production

Two deployment tasks are needed, first, tasksRunRemote.tsk will deploy the build artefact, using the verbose copy operation.

VECOPY springboot.war ${runtime}

Once deployed, tasksRunLocal.tsk will test the deployment, using the CDAF helper to cater for delays in WAR file deployment.

EXERTY "curl --silent $deployHost"