At deploy time, the solution manifest and environment settings are applied, the following is an extract from the tower.tsk
echo "De-tokenise Environment properties prior to loading to Tower"
DETOKN roles/apache-reverse-proxy/vars/main.yml
echo "Resolve global config, i.e. container image version, then environment specific list names"
DETOKN roles/smtp/vars/main.yml
DETOKN roles/smtp/vars/main.yml $WORKSPACE/manifest.txt
DETOKN roles/rails/vars/main.yml
DETOKN roles/rails/vars/main.yml $WORKSPACE/manifest.txt
DETOKN roles/spring/vars/main.yml
DETOKN roles/spring/vars/main.yml $WORKSPACE/manifest.txt
As the Ansible Automation Platform is the intermediary, the declarations need to be moved to intermediary and then the release triggered. In this example, the desired state is continually apply to remediate any drift, but can also be triggered via a command line interface (CLI). The following extract from
sets up the configuration
templateID=$(tower-cli job_template list -n "${name}" -f id)
if [ -z $templateID ]; then
executeExpression "tower-cli job_template create --name '${name}' --inventory '${inventory}' --project '${project}' --playbook '${playbook}' --verbosity more_verbose"
executeExpression "tower-cli job_template modify --name '${name}' --inventory '${inventory}' --project '${project}' --playbook '${playbook}' --verbosity more_verbose"
for credential in $credentials; do
executeExpression "tower-cli job_template associate_credential --job-template '${name}' --credential ${credential}"
once configured, the deployment is triggered.
echo "With Project and Inventory loaded, can now create the Template which links the Inventory, Project, Playbook and Credentials"
${WORKSPACE}/ "$TARGET" "$TARGET" "$TARGET" 'playbooks/common.yaml' 'localadmin'
echo "Launch and watch the deployed playbooks"
templateID=$(tower-cli job_template list -n "$TARGET" -f id)
tower-cli job launch --job-template=$templateID
An overview of deployment activity and state management is available in the intermediary user interface.