Manifest Deployment

Manifest Driven Deployment using Desired State

At deployment time, the manifest is merged into the Terraform rules and applied. Terraform will only apply the changes needed to align the environment to the declared state.

graph LR Key["Legend
Blue - IaC & CM
Green - Application Stack"] subgraph ado["Azure DevOps"] git[(Git)] build-artefact[(Build)] iac["release.ps1"] package-artefact[(Artifacts)] app["release.ps1"] end subgraph az["Azure"] qa pp pr end registry[(Docker Registry)] git --CI--> build-artefact build-artefact --CD--> iac package-artefact --CD--> app registry -. "pull image" .-> qa app -. "terraform apply" .-> qa iac -. "terraform apply" .-> qa classDef infra fill:LightBlue class iac,az infra classDef app-stack fill:LightGreen class registry,app app-stack


Not every release makes it to production, as a result there can be drift between environments as releases make part journeys. Terraform will ensure that this drift is remediated as the next release progresses to production.