
Deploy-time Detokenisation

To support the build-once/deploy-many model, the environment specific values are injected and then deployed for the release. Note that the release is immutable, and any change to any component will require a new release to be created, eliminating cherry picking. The tasksRun.tsk performs two levels of detokenisation, the first is for environment specific settings, and the second applies any solution level declarations.

Write-Host "[$TASK_NAME] Generic Properties Detokenisation`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan
DETOKN $WORKSPACE\manifest.txt

Environment (TARGET) specific de-tokenisation is blue, and solution level de-tokenisation in green:

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Terraform Cloud is being used to perform state management. To avoid false negative reporting on Terraform apply, the operation is performed in a CMD shell.

echo "[$TASK_NAME] Azure Secrets are stored in the back-end, the token opens access to these"
MAKDIR $env:APPDATA\terraform.d
$conf = "$env:APPDATA\terraform.d\credentials.tfrc.json"
Set-Content $conf '{'
Add-Content $conf '  "credentials": {'
Add-Content $conf '    "": {'
Add-Content $conf "      `"token`": `"$env:TERRAFORM_TOKEN`""
Add-Content $conf '    }'
Add-Content $conf '  }'
Add-Content $conf '}'

echo "[$TASK_NAME] Replace Local State with Remote"
$remote_state = ""
Set-Content $remote_state 'terraform {'
Add-Content $remote_state '  backend "remote" {'
Add-Content $remote_state "    organization = `"${env:TERRAFORM_ORG}`""
Add-Content $remote_state '    workspaces {'
Add-Content $remote_state "      name = `"${work_space}`""
Add-Content $remote_state '    }'
Add-Content $remote_state '  }'
Add-Content $remote_state '}'

Write-Host "[$TASK_NAME] Initialise Remote State`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan
terraform init -upgrade -input=false

EXECMD "terraform $OPT_ARG"

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