
Abstraction of Application Settings

In this example, the ASP.NET solution creates a Web Deploy package. A common approach for this is to create a build for each environment with the settings transformed into environment specific .config files.

In the CDAF approach, a single, tokenised, configuration file, i.e. Web.Release.config is produced. The principle of a single way of working encourages the abstraction of application settings from the internal representation.

Note: The Release build is used in this example, to avoid breaking the development experience which typically uses the Debug configuration. IF the developers use both Debug & Release configurations, create a separate configuration because the tokenised Release will not run in Visual Studio.

For generic settings, a simple direct mapping is recommended

    <add key="displayName" value="%displayName%" />
    <add key="backendURL" value="%backendURL%" />

For a connection string, cannot use a token name beginning with d, i.e. %dbname% will fail as %d is interpreted as a special character.

Note the different token marker for sensitive data.

    <add name="entities"
      connectionString="Server=%sqlDBHost%;Database=%sqlDBName%;user id=%sqlDBUser%;password=@sqlDBPassword@;"
      xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>

The construction of web deploy settings for the deploy path is not intuitive and is no longer (after 2010) accessible via the Visual Studio user interface. Edit the .csproj file directly for the Release property group.

note that the % character itself has to be encoded, i.e. %25

  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">

Now that the ASP.NET specific files have been prepared, now the Continuous Integration (CI) process can be applied which will Build & Package the solution.