Continuous Integration (CI)

Build & Package Once

The primary driver file for CDAF is the CDAF.solution file. The directory containing this file is the SOLUTIONROOT. The mandatory properties are solutionName and artifactPrefix.


Build Process

The CDAF Execution Engine is used to reduce the cognitive load, allowing the engineer to focus on the primary objective, and not have to cater for logging, exception and error handling. The build.tsk file is placed in the project sub-directory.


The EXITIF operation allows the skipping of the build prcess if the built-in variable $ACTION has been set to clean. The MSTOOL operation loads the path to MSBuild.exe into environment variable $env:MS_BUILD. The REPLAC operation detokenises static content file to inject the product version, which includes the built in $BUILDNUMBER. Then the compile of the code and generation of Web Deploy (/T:Package) artefacts is performed:


Write-Host "If Action is clean only, then exit`n"
EXITIF $ACTION -eq "clean"

Write-Host "Combine to create symantic ( version`n"
ASSIGN $productVersion+='.'
ASSIGN $productVersion+=$BUILDNUMBER


Write-Host "PROJECT         : $($PROJECT)"
Write-Host "`$productVersion : $productVersion`n"

Write-Host "[$PROJECT] Apply product version as static content`n"
REPLAC Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml %productVersion% $productVersion

Write-Host "[$PROJECT] Build Project ($PROJECT) with specific parameters for web deploy.`n"
& "$env:MS_BUILD" $PROJECT.csproj /T:Package /P:Configuration=Release /p:buildNumber=$productVersion

alt text

The resulting build is a directory files, which need to be included in your storeFor definition for packaging


Define the artefacts that are needed to perform repeatable deployments.

SelfService\obj\Release\Package\SelfService.deploy.cmd -Flat
SelfService\obj\Release\Package\SelfService.deploy-readme.txt -Flat
SelfService\obj\Release\Package\SelfService.SetParameters.xml -Flat
SelfService\obj\Release\Package\SelfService.SourceManifest.xml -Flat
SelfService\obj\Release\Package\ -Flat

Database\scripts -Recurse

alt text

The CDAF CI process will build the application, with tokenised settings and package this into a self-extracting release.ps1 file. This release package can be executed for all target environments.